
1 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:49:56.628 ID:05csyZn40
2 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:50:22.880 ID:IEoQQProp
3 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:50:43.851 ID:7TZWmzyRM
5 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:51:35.849 ID:bVedihRod
Then it's zero… my savings are zero! ! thank you! !
7 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:52:43.378 ID:y28KmonXM
u r fk'n kind man.
9 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:54:07.811 ID:05csyZn40
anytime pal, muh bff
15 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:55:33.619 ID:A42bKHXDa
22 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:58:34.781 ID:05csyZn40
dunno, my guess is as good as yours
maybe my personality disorders are kicking in and causing troubles for me?
4 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:51:02.340 ID:05csyZn40
6 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:52:21.367 ID:3OIRYD230
8 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:53:29.764 ID:l+IO+K660
Тогда это ноль … мои сбережения равны нулю! ! благодарю вас! !
10 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:54:19.485 ID:A42bKHXDa
16 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:55:56.805 ID:05csyZn40
hurrr durrr you're completely missing the point you silly, REEEEEEEEE
11 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:54:30.221 ID:B11khILHd
18 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:56:42.641 ID:05csyZn40
doesn't make any sense
just catch my drift okay?
you're a big boy
12 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:54:37.025 ID:lMoAZz0o0
20 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:57:34.923 ID:05csyZn40
I mean what I say here, pretty pls!

si, si, jajajaja

uh huh

13 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:54:38.143 ID:JKjxLVWer
Quindi è zero … i miei risparmi sono zero! ! grazie! !
14 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:55:31.432 ID:fxvaV2Tlr
Pak je to nula … moje úspory jsou nula! ! Děkuju! !
17 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:56:04.685 ID:yEikU5gPr
那是零…我的積蓄是零! !謝謝! !
24 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:59:27.928 ID:05csyZn40
thank you chink pal
mandarin, totally badass language man!
19 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:57:27.367 ID:5Nmqfv+o0
21 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:58:26.637 ID:dXIQUnA80
Igitur nulla est … nulla esse peculium! ! gratias tibi! !
25 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:01:05.434 ID:05csyZn40
I don't, please go easy on me willya?


23 : 2020/06/07(日) 09:59:04.016 ID:6oxZMeJW0
26 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:05:18.683 ID:2fWLJVSz0
28 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:06:24.735 ID:05csyZn40
I have high hopes for you, go explain to these simpletons, wise man!
27 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:06:12.253 ID:hYu+oJsgd
29 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:07:16.405 ID:05csyZn40
totally in control, don't be scared, befriend me!
30 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:10:23.489 ID:ooeGsgwv0
such a feelin's comin over me
31 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:12:32.691 ID:05csyZn40
I feel ya
but that's life, just giving it much thought rarely solves problems, you better move on now, when things get better, you can always come back and redo something
32 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:14:10.844 ID:ooeGsgwv0
there is wonder rn most everything i see
35 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:18:03.077 ID:05csyZn40
you gotta know sometimes most important things are invisible, always hard to find them, pretty tough don't you think?

that said, we could aim for the impossible, like tera forming, inter-space travel, encountering aliens
I'm a big fan of the idea, eternal life I mean

33 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:14:22.235 ID:KDRRseoZ0
People wish they could live forever and never become order.
However if this wish came ture, there would be too many people on the earth.
34 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:14:57.300 ID:BXOXDrRO0
36 : 2020/06/07(日) 10:20:39.927 ID:05csyZn40
life is full of surprises
but you can't just stop thinking there, when you stumble upon those situations, you better go with the flow and enjoy yourself, know what I mean yes?

